
Loom Bands - It Could Be Worse

loom bands craze

As far as fads for the 5 to 15 year old bracket goes, this one is not so bad. Granted they get every where, and with a new puppy in the house they have presented themselves as a choking hazard, but, at least they are fairly pretty and fall under the old fashioned craft bracket.

All of the shops where we live have signs in the windows saying 'Loom Bands On Sale Here' and so it does make it hard to say no to them, and it appears that one can never have to many. However, I can see the appeal, especially since Oscar at age 5 can make them himself without help, and he is most definitely one of these children who like to have active hands. Speaking as a Mama who knits and crochets I can totally understand the comforting feeling of making something with my own hands and so for that reason I am actively encouraging this. I know most parents are thrilled when something physical cuts in to screen time in their homes and so I suspect this has been in part the reason this current trend has swept the country.

loom band craze

Mama's HAVE to wear them too, its the law.

loom band craze

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