
▲ De-Funked ▲

It has become my practice to make a conscious effort to not let things upset or bother me. 
Since joining the church I have had spiritual reasons for this, 
but even on a basic psychological level, 
holding on to negative feeling is most damaging to yourself. 
I am only human though, and yesterday I was in a bit of a rotten mood 
(brought on by an incident at nursery involving Oscar).
Sometimes its hard to shake off (especially when your child/children have been hurt),
 but luckily I am one of these people easily pleased by the simple things.


Oscar in a school mini-concert certainly helped

Then a timely text from a friend saying she would like a play date for our children,
and also a child free lunch date invitation (which I said, yes, yes, yes to)


A cheeky mid week curry always helps my mood 
(chickpea, black eye bean and red pepper curry)


And so does putting my feet up in my cosy dressing gown and slippers.

After dinner I had one of these

And watched the latest episode of The Sewing Bee

And by then my mood had lifted and I was ready for a good nights sleep.




▲ To And Fro ▲

During the winter months we rush along the main street to nursery as fast as we can. 
Living so close to the north sea means`a lot of wind, 
not much snow and a mostly grey perspective all around us.
Now the sun has peeped out a few times,
 we have been able to enjoy the walk to and from Oscar's nursery at a much more leisurely pace. 



Sometimes it's still good to run




▲ Typical ▲

It is turning out to be a fairly typical March. 
The weather does not seem to know what it is doing and its a bit of a blah month for us too. 
Easter is later this year on 20th April which means it is one week before Ellie Rose's birthday 
(27th April) SEE HERE. 
It seems to be a difficult time of year for me, 
with mothers day on Sunday bringing back so many memories of dashed hope. 
Mostly though, I have accepted we won't be having any more babies, 
and I am mostly ok with it. I have even started clearing out my baby things. 
Its a sad time in a woman's life when she realizes her child carrying days are over 
(if you indeed wanted more children). 
I can see my diary filling up with other things and they are all good, 
so I know there are adventures ahead. 
Still, I maybe need a little more time to be sad for what might have been.

Some March weather photo's of here and here abouts



▲ Love The Little Things ▲



I have, (as usual) quite a few books with bookmarks in them right now. 
I am mostly reading non-fiction, 
but this little bodice ripper sneaked in to my Amazon Basket

I am only a little way in, but there seems to be a fairly high 'rudey nudey' content 
so maybe for someone who is SAINTLY like myself, 
I may need to make the decision to put it down for good. 
I think I have read Elizabeth Chadwick before, 
but I don't remember so many sexual references, 
perhaps I read it before I joined the church and now my perspective has changed 
(and not the writing).


We have started watching the TV show The Bridge. 
It has been quite gruesome, 
but the relationship between the 2 leading characters is quite amusing, (surprisingly). 
Duncan was overly impressed by the credits 
(from a geeky digital artist point of view, which he is). 
But again, I have had to ask myself if show's violence and nudity are conducive to me (although being subtitled it has a distinct lack of inappropriate language, 
which they obviously do not translate to text, so that's a bonus).   


A floral dress (hand made by me yesterday), 
and navy leggings, to church today. 
I think perhaps I was being overly optimistic in wearing a cotton floral fabric, 
because although the sun was indeed shining, 
it was totally f f f f f f f f f freezing.


This >

Because it is going to be the opening number in the production Oscar's drama group 
(Stage Academy), are putting on. 
I have heard it lots and lots and lots and lots, 
and I will hear it many many many more times yet 
(luckily, it is a happy song).


Not made, by me, but made by my darling husband. 
This recipe was actually in a book I have been reading about Jesus, 
and is actually a traditional Jewish recipe (made with the usual ingredients plus eggs and honey). 
This bread was so popular with one of our dinner guests last night, 
 he ate about 1/3 of a loaf himself, 
and took some home with him when he left. 

and lastly..

I have been watching THE GREAT BRITISH SEWING BEE and really enjoying it. 
I am sorry I didn't watch series one now. 
It has inspired me to move on past elasticated skirts (for me) and elasticated trousers (for Oscar), and with the help of a brilliant friend, 
I am making a summer dress, FROM A PATTERN with an actual zip and everything. 
If I conveniently don't mention it ever again, 
you will know it didn't work out ;-)

Joining with MORGANA for 'Love The Little Things'

I hope you are enjoying the little things too


Just A Bit Busy

We have been a bit busy with everyday life lately and the blog posts are  getting less and less. 
I am going to make an effort to take more photo's and that always encourages me to blog more. 

The above photo was taken on Friday night when I dropped Oscar off at Stage Academy for a taster session, which he loved (the scouts hall is 2 minutes away from this spot). 
It looks like we will be taking him every week from now on.

Oscar is in full swing preparation for finishing nursery in June and starting school in August. 
The nursery have a very full induction to school process and it seems great for the little ones making that jump.

I have a new calling at church as 2nd Counselor to the Ward RELIEF SOCIETY President which has more for me to do and more for me to think about. 
I have also started a new study class at church and so my mind is full of The Gospel (no bad thing).

Duncan is finishing his 6 month contract with his current employer and so there have been many discussions between himself and various people regarding opportunities for work, 
and also him and I. 
He has also had bronchitis and been worried about staying home,
 (why are difficult things always made more difficult by random events). 

I have also started spring cleaning this week (aka kicked my own behind). 
I am going to be using THIS cleaning challenge as a rough guide, 
but since it started weeks ago, 
I will be speeding through the first few weeks. 
I started on THE ENTRY WAY / HALL today, so watch this space.

I also used Netmums MEAL PLANNER today and planned and printed a few weeks worth of 
menus, in a bid to get on top of things.

I hope I can keep the pace up with everything, 
I do love how the brighter days really  give me boost. 
The proverbial spring in my step.



▲ Well Hello There Spring ▲

Yesterday was a lovely spring day here, 
with blue skies and some sunshine that felt warm on our skin.
We were outside as much as time would permit,
and I even got a whole wash of bath towels line dried (hoorah)

Even when it turned to evening and the sun began to go,
it was still light and airy.
Perhaps that the long dark days of winter,
may be over for this year.
(fingers crossed)



▲ A Catch Up ▲

I haven't missed a week of blogging in a long time, so I thought I should sneak one in before the weekend. I have been fairly busy this week with one thing and another, and all things were peppered with backache and migraines. 

Here is what else we have been up to.

I did some cooking from my WW2 recipe book

We made pancakes on Tuesday 
(and I gave up cola and crisps for Lent)

I made two banana cakes
One for the missionaries and one for a church meeting

Oscar has been tormenting the cat as usual

I bought some spring flowers to cheer the place up

I have decided that the migraines may be caused by eye strain.
I am meeting with the optician tomorrow.
All week I have been trying to decide between old frames

Or new frames

I started a new and cooky knitting pattern

Dragon Watchers Hood

1829 copy

woodland1816 copy

Pattern HERE

And today I have taken Oscar to nursery, 
sent some parcels (sorry Vix it is finally in the post),
shopped for migraine tablets
written this blog post
Watched the weather

and eaten a Pot Noodle

which I generally agree, tastes like re-hydrated dust, 
but for some reason,
I was in the mood.

Have a fantastic weekend
