
▲ THAT WAS 2013 ▲

























What A Year !
Wishing You All The Very Best For 2014
Lets Hope Its A Fabulous One !

Valerie, Duncan
& Oscar


A Little Bit Of Our Christmas

Oscar waiting on everyone gathering in the lounge on Christmas morning.

And he's off

Duncan in an unusual ensemble, but not unusual for him :)

A very happy wise man

A Knight wielding a lightsaber, big brother Christopher in the background (my oldest son)

Aimee looking very festive in all black and a paper hat

The missionaries playing party games

Me, in an original 1970s hand made purple dress

Duncan bought me a vintage gold and purple necklace to match, possibly 1970's too.

New toys

The cat (Alabama) and I taking a nap

Boxing day dinner, curried leftovers, naan and chips.

I hope your Christmas was fab too


We Made It

We did indeed make it out on Saturday night for the first time in years, and you know what? It was great fun. Oscar was safely ensconced on the sofa under a duvet with a huge pile of sweets and popcorn and 2 movies (new time him) Disneys ANASTASIA and Dreamworks JOSEPH KING OF DREAMS. We have not left him with his sister Aimee (who is 22) before, because Aimee was anxious about being in charge, but he was very well behaved, despite still being up when we came home at 11pm.
I think 2014 may see some more little trips out for Mummy and Daddy (alone!).

Don't even ask what they were up to in this photo



Food And A Frock

Duncan finished work in Edinburgh last night (until after New Year), and we both gave a sigh of relief. No catching the 6.16am train to work and paying through the nose for it and no sprinting across Waverley Station to catch the 5.36pm to ensure arriving home before 8pm. Its a long day for both of us.
To celebrate we had a yummy curry and chilled on the sofa and watched a movie.

Home made sweet potato and chickpea madras and Indian platter mix (from Asda)

I can recommend this film, even though parts of it did make me cringe.

Today we dropped Oscar off for his last morning at nursery and hit the shops. I think I have now completed my Christmas shopping. I hope so, because I couldn't stand another trip into town.

In the afternoon we had a few non-Santa deliveries, the grocery shopping, and a new microwave oven. We haven't had a microwave for months (since the old one blew out the electrics). We have managed perfectly well without one to be honest, but the fear of doing Christmas dinner for 7 people without the ability to heat things up proved too much for me.

And more exciting than a microwave, my new Christmas dress came. Its no secret I have a real love of vintage things, especially things from the 60s and 70s because they are the things that were around me as a child.

1960's Christmas baubles, bought from Ebay a few years ago

The chances of finding a plus size evening dress from the 60s or 70s are few and far between, so when I saw an Ebay listing "Vintage 1970's Maxi Dress Full Length, Plus Size, Fancy Dress?" I decided I would bid on it, but never thought I would win. But I did - 

And, it cost me £1.99. Not only that but the seller refunded some postage because it was less than she thought (practically unheard of on Ebay). I won't be using it for fancy dress, it will be my Christmas day dress. And I absolutely LOVE it.

Tonight's dinner was a much lazier black pudding supper.

Black pudding supper - black pudding in batter with chips.

Duncan and I have a date in the bedroom tonight, unfortunately its with about a hundred sheets of wrapping paper and piles of gifts as well. Ah well, it has to be done, as long as I wrap and he does the tape we should be fine. We have a whole series of The Mentalist to see us through. 

Have A Fantastic Weekend



Yesterday was my Mum's 69th birthday. I cannot tell you what a relief it was to be celebrating her birthday (at home). Last year, Mum was taken suddenly very ill, and we were told by medical staff to prepare ourselves for the worst.
On her birthday we went to the hospital and watched as she slowly opened her gifts with practically no interest at all. She had been nil by mouth for 5 weeks and so there was no cake to celebrate the passing of another year.
The Consultant at the hospital says that my Mum is a miracle case, and by rights shouldn't be here at all. She doesn't like to hear that, but it reminds us of how lucky she/we are.

Mum in the blue dress (in the 1960's) with my Grandparents and my Aunt.

On her wedding day to my Dad, September 1968

The house we lived in as I was growing up.

Mum in Spain in the early 1980s

With Oscar on his 3rd birthday, she missed his 4th birthday, she was still in hospital in February.

Yesterday on her birthday (the only photo I got before the phone camera died).

Happy Birthday Mum