
Ch Ch Ch Changes

In case you were wondering if I had developed a speech impediment, its a SONG. But yes, its time for some changes for Mama Beattie. Now that the housing (geography) situation has been resolved, and the grotty snotty week is behind us, I feel its time for a 'spring clean', in Autumn. Here is what I have come up with so far.

New white banner Hair - I seriously need a re-think. I have been growing it past my shoulders and then cutting it back up for 10 years. The colour has been mainly black with the odd foray into home colour disaster as discussed HERE and thankfully a mostly un-photographed episode in July with hair extensions. I am going to be brave and book myself into one of the many glossy salons just a stone's throw from the new place and ask for a re-style. I cant tell you how scary that is to a person who has been cutting her own fringe for 20 years.

New white banner Body - I - Now I am back in the city I intend to start up swimming with the little guy. He loves it, and although its hard work and I don't really 'swim' much it is a form of gentle exercise for my back, also the sight of myself in a swim suit may terrify me into losing weight.

                    II - I was having moderate success on the diet pills I was prescribed from the Doc (called Orlistat), but I came off them when I moved house and hadn't and didn't register with a new Practise. I intend to go back on them because they were actually working and I had no side effects, very unlike me you know.

                   III - I also intend to get out walking more, which sounds silly having just left the big open spaces, but I do like city walks (sorry all you back to nature people but I do).

New white banner Happiness - I have been to the new playgroup once, just before the lurgy struck, and knowing 1 person there is definitely a bonus, as opposed to showing up to a wall of mute strangers. Oscar seemed unfazed by the HUGE volume of kids there, so we will be back next week. This is phase one. Phase 2 is to find a nursery place (paying for it unfortunately, but cest' la vie). I am aiming for one day a week at present, but starting with a hour, then 2 then a half day. I cant stand to leave my baby (ok so he is 2 1/2) with strangers, but I need some free time. I really REALLY do.

New white banner Work - See above under happiness. This will facilitate time to get painting again. I have found a potential selling outlet (real time), now I need the work to sell.

New white banner Social Life - Do you realise, Duncan and I have not been out together since Oscar was 4 weeks old and that was to a family wedding. I mean without Oscar in tow, although come to think of it, we don't go out past 6pm often even with him. So, my Mum has agreed to come over one night a month and let us go out. I appreciate that many of you may be snorting in disgust at 1 night a month, but its all we can manage right now. I have to keep reminding myself, I am only 41 and Duncan is only 36, we should still have a social life. Do you know any mantras?

And thats it for now. Quite a lot to get on with really. Wish me luck.


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