
Never Far Away

Tonight as I type this post, I am all alone in the bedroom, unless you count the cat on the end of the bed.

Its a very rare thing for me to be alone, because Oscar is always in my vicinity. We are approximately 50/50 with the co-sleeping I would say, and I would quite like it to stay at this level for a while. I would never lift him asleep from his bed to ours, he always starts out in his own bed and as I said, 50% of the time, wakes and is brought to our bed.  I miss him when he sleeps through in his own room, despite the bed-hogging. If you co-sleep with a toddler you will know what that entails...... spine climbing, feet digging, elbow pushing and being slapped unexpectedly across the face/cheek/nose by a flailing arm. There are the other times though to compensate, when he snuggles right in and sighs contentedly half asleep when I kiss his little head. When his hand reaches out for you in the dark and you feel him physically relax as he finds your skin. Even just the soft snuffly breathing next to me can be so intoxicating. One night last week he reached out and stroked my face with the backs of his fingers and whispered 'wuff (love) you mummy'.  I was almost tearful over the cuteness.

I fretted about co-sleeping in the beginning, what if I rolled on him (or Duncan did), what if it made him too clingy, too spoilt. I soon realised that if we took the proper precautions there was no need to fret about safety (more information can be found here). I also read some very compelling evidence to support infants being less clingy if they co-sleep having not developed significant separation anxiety.

We are off to the new house tomorrow and this will probably lead to a less even split for a while, and thats ok too. I am no where near to being ready to give up my night time snuggles.


The first co-sleeper cradle we had



Oscar's preferred method of using the co-sleeper

Safety - Oscar was 5 months here, we added a bed guard on this side between the co-sleeper and the foot of the bed, when he became more active during the night.


Sleeping safely in the larger co-sleeper (ahem, you get the idea).




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