
Slowly Does It

For the most part, my week day mornings are much the same as each other. We rise at 7.30am, I have toast and butter, Oscar has Weetabix and warm milk and a drizzle of honey. We get dressed and hurry out the door at 8.40am and take the short walk to school.
After I leave Oscar at school I have a short window of time to myself, before I collect him at 11.20am. Most days I shop for any staples we need like milk or vegetables and then hurry home, where I plan or start lunch, plan or start dinner, have a cup of herbal tea, check my emails, read some blogs, sometimes blog myself, sort out a laundry and then leave again at 11.05am.
Some days though, I take the camera with me to school and meander back taking pictures. I always feel so much better when I do this, and I am much more thankful for the beautiful things around me which often go unnoticed.

A chilly November morning -

All very random, but what a shame it would have been to miss any of it.


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