
The Lurgy And Kippers

Yesterday I had the grand idea of re-arranging the furniture (again). I wanted to try and give Oscar a play area for all our sakes. Every nook and cranny seemed to have some sort of toy or play item in it and it was driving me mad, and he did not play with half of the toys because they were scattered. By the time I had dragged the 8 seater dining table from one end of the room to the other (and it's a big room), I was sweating quite a bit. By the time I had dragged 2 coffee (now play) tables in the opposite direction I was feeling dizzy, and by the time we got the shelves sorted and the toys laid out nicely, my head was pounding and my throat was 'killing' me. We have the lurgy once again.


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The snow flakes are still up in lieu of any real snow

Oscar climbed into bed with us during the night after several hours of moaning in his sleep, and I knew even before I touched his hot little body that he had it too. A funny thing happened though. A little while later I was lying with my eyes closed listening to him snuffle when the strangest flute like music popped into my head, something very silly (cartoon soundtrack-esq), and Oscar burst out laughing in his sleep at the same time. I actually jumped, then laughed (at) myself.

Duncan has taken the day off (which means working at home whilst being the voices of half the scooby gang simultaneously). I am in bed in a cotton nightgown sipping on grapefruit juice and sweating up a storm. It has meant though that these North Sea Kipper Hand-warmers have been started last night


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and finished today.


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This yarn is Freedom Spirit 100% Wool (so so soft)

I LOVE Kat's Blog, and since I am always mooning over her patterns I thought I should actually try one. If only I could crochet, I would have bought every single crochet pattern she sells, look at SPARTACUS. I may have to get out the Christmas Present Duncan gave me and get on with learning. One Of These

Anyway, it has not been a total loss today, as well as the hand-warmers being finished I have done the grocery shop, picked out a new hat pattern (for Oscar, the PINK & BLACK one is getting too small already), and bought the wool on Ebay to make it.

Time to sip some juice and rest again I think. Hopefully I will be up on my feet again tomorrow.




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