
Bible Figures And Fever

We are all still ill here, and I mean all, since Duncan staggered home from work mid afternoon yesterday ill, and Aimee has a sore throat this morning. I have been running a temp and so has Oscar. Quite clearly it is having a bad effect on moral, although I was obviously too sick to be worried that I was having a conversation with my deceased Grandparents during the night. Oscar is mostly just grumpy by day and restless and moaning in his sleep at night. I have to say though, I am SO glad I sorted out his toys on Tuesday because he spent most of the morning doing this yesterday...


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Cool isn't it?


Meanwhile I threw the ingredients for quorn and butter bean stew in the slow cooker (we have given up meat for Lent so expect some Vegi recipes over the next few weeks), and took up some knitting. 

I have been admiring Emily's   saint project, although I wonder if its wrong to think Thomas Aquinas is cute lol. The dolls and the idea are cute anyway. Emily told me the dolls were available from Myriad and not very expensive either, so I had intended on ordering some. Noah and Joseph seem to be the stories holding Oscar's interest just now (post Christmas and pre Easter anyway), and I have been mildly obsessed with making him a Joseph doll. Anyway, another sick day meant not doing much beyond the sofa, and since I haven't ordered any rope dolls I decided to knit a little Joseph instead.


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What do you think? I think he turned out pretty cute. I was wondering if I should make Jacob or Pharaoh next but Oscar asked right away where Mrs Potiphar was. I think he thinks she was a witch (a bad lady who was responsible for Joseph going to jail). You know that child of mine is still obsessed with witches, I wonder if it will ever change.




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