
The Hours In The Day : Oscar Casey

I bought myself a new camera before we moved house, but with one thing and another I have hardly had any time to play around with it. So yesterday I decided that I would take a photograph of Oscar, every hour on the hour. This is harder than you would think, you should try it an see what I mean.  Anyway, Friday is usually the day I go shopping, so there are lots of buggy shots. It has made me realise how dull it must be for him. I will definitely be doing another 'hours in the day' so I can ease some of my guilt.

Oscar slept very late this day, 9.45am, in fact.



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Awake, but still sleepy



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Swiping the last of my tea



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Arriving off the 5 mile bus trip to go shopping



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Waiting for lunch to arrive in the cafe



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Back to the shopping (looking pretty bored)



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Waiting in line for the bus home



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Home again, having a cuddle with Teddy, and eating some sweets



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Playing with a magnetic fishing set (being Pingu)



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Having some juice after running in the garden (sisters are annoying no?)



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Playing pirates with Daddy after dinner, 'you old bilge rat'

('oh not you father, Captain Hook')



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Some post bath photography



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Ok, so I don't have a 9pm photo, we were trying to get him to sleep



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Finally asleep, a 12 hour day.


Lots of other cute funny moments happened within each hour and it was difficult not to cheat and put one of those moments in instead, but either way, it shows how deceptive a set of photo's can be. He didn't eat a meal, wash, play outside, watch TV, draw, be read to, annoy the cat, or examine a spider in any of the photo's but they all happened that day.

Have a Lovely Weekend everyone



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