
Much Needed

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Yes, it finally arrived today in much abundance. The sunshine that is. I make no apologies for the volume of photos about to follow, we may not get another sunny day for another 2 weeks.

The first picture of the day was meant to be of Oscar running happily up the garden, but just as I clicked it, he fell down -

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He seemed to decide he quite liked it down there -

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It seems the last tennant wasnt much into the garden, and that coupled with 2 weeks of rain meant we really had to cut the grass, so Aimee and I did it between us. Oscar informed us his little wheelbarrow was a 'cutter grass' and he helped with the grass collection.

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Tea and cake was an absolute must for the workers

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Then Mama did some outdoor knitting

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And Oscar went off to play in the long grass at the end of the garden (we need a longer extension cable)

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We are hoping for more of the same tomorrow. I hope you have had a lovely day too.

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