


I finished the little blue vest for Oscar this week, 
slightly late for his birthday but better late than never. 
I am pleased with how it turned out and Oscar said 'its adorable', so, good result.
The free Ravelry pattern is HERE 


A Year Of Biblical Womanhood  by Rachael Held Evans

I have been really enjoying this book. 
I know the author has received as much praise as criticism because 
some people felt she was making a mockery of the Bible.
I saw it for what it clearly was, a book about the woman not a book about the Bible. 

Some of it was ridiculously silly, like the 3 days she camped in a tent when her 
'womanhood was upon her' (because she was apparently unclean),
but as silly as it was, it still taught her something about the life for women back 
in Biblical times. 
This is mostly about Jewish laws and customs, as one would expect from
this time period and I found the whole history
of women in the Bible quite fascinating.

  Joining in with GINNY and friends for Yarn Along


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