Ok, well perhaps not
Happy New Year !
Lets hope its our best year yet
To start the year off I have made a few goals for myself.
1. Sketch EVERY day
2. Be asleep before 11.30pm EVERY night
3. Read my scriptures EVERY day
4. To carry on healthy eating and loosing more weight
(did I mention I have lost 2 stones since September?)
5. Busy myself in service
6. Try and get to our Temple at least 4 times
7. Get outside more often.
In preparation for 7 I have decided to take a picture (or 2 or 3) of the beach
where I live, every week and make a feature of the changing seasons
on the blog.
I love living by the sea, I don't think I express it often enough.
Here are the first weeks photo's (actually taken in December)
If anyone is actually reading this, and have set any New Year goals,
please let me know, I love to hear how others are doing.
All the best in 2015