Not again, I hear you say? It is going round and around and really, its time to stop. Duncan has enforced a day in bed this time to see if I cant shake this cold/ chest infection/ throat infection / dodgy tum thing off once and for all.
I have not been totally idle though, I read some of my new (to me, don't you love 10p book sales on Amazon, I certainly don't begrudge the postage when the books are under £1), book.
I am liking it so far, but I have read a lot of books in this genre which seem to lose my interest half way through, so I will reserve all judgement until the end. AMAZON LINK
Before writing this post I was about to look through my vegetarian cook books to give Duncan a recipe for dinner. Cooking from scratch in an intuitive manner is all well and good, but it often fails to translate well to someone who isn't in the kitchen every day. I have been able to ditch the cook book though and I am sending Duncan a link to Vix's Blog VINTAGE VIXEN, thanks Vix, that was impeccable timing.
What else?, well, I have been lying here planning. I have planned out a major room change around in the dining room and lounge. It has been on my mind for a while that the spaces are not being well used, but now I think I have some solutions.
And, I have planned out some painting projects, which have got me so excited I really want to leap out of bed and get started (Duncan would send me back though).
And also while I have been lying here we have had some deliveries
A Himalayan crystal candle holder. I have wanted one for ages, and finally just ordered one last week (it is sitting on a mini backgammon set, it does not come with a base).
Groceries, but primarily, Dove Farm Glutten and Wheat Free Flour. We are going to give it a go and see how we do. Giving up shop bread has not been too difficult so we will see how this bakes up. I have self-raising for cakes and white and brown bread flour. It is quite exciting.
Ah well, time for a bit of down time. I hope to back out in the world again tomorrow (possibly even re-arranging furniture).
My day started at 5:00 am this morning, not a time I am completely on board with. Oscar eventually went back to sleep after a good hour of tears and whinging and issuing a long list of demands to his Mama and Papa. By 8:00 am he was in no mood to be wakened for nursery, but we managed to get him up, dressed and fed by 8:30 am (miraculously). My instincts at times like this are usually to leave him well alone and go back to sleep myself, and I justify it by telling myself we are free spirits and find it difficult to run to someone else's timetable. Sincerely, I believe this to be partly true, but I also know that for the most part I simply wish to avoid the hysteria of an over tired child being forced to go against his bodies wishes. I also realise that telling nursery school that we are free spirits who cant get in on time, does make me sound like a massively flaky mother, (which may or may not be true).
So off we went. My back pain was excruciatingly bad and for a moment I thought I may have to take up the supine position in the middle of the street. Somehow or other we made it along the main street and over the railway bridge to the school, and by the time we got there Oscar was fairly chipper (despite falling on the way and chafing a knee). I was dreading the walk home, and as I crossed the bridge my back pain was running the full length of my spine and legs and round into my hips. Then,on a complete impulse I decided to ignore my urge to get home as fast as possible, and instead of turning left into the main street home, I kept walking straight ahead until I reached the shore.
I keep an old fold up changing mat in my bag for such occasions, so I spread it out onto the bench, took my scarf off my neck and wrapped it around my head peasant style and just sat and enjoyed the view, and the air.
It really was quite beautiful this morning.
Maybe it was the distraction or maybe it was the little sit down on the bench, but my back pain eased off and it was possible for me to make it home to the cottage without each step causing excruciating pain.
When I got home, I headed straight for the kitchen and had a cup of tea and one of Duncan's home made croissants.
I have to go back and collect Oscar soon, but considering how the day started, I would say its shaping up not too badly under the circumstances.
So off we went. My back pain was excruciatingly bad and for a moment I thought I may have to take up the supine position in the middle of the street. Somehow or other we made it along the main street and over the railway bridge to the school, and by the time we got there Oscar was fairly chipper (despite falling on the way and chafing a knee). I was dreading the walk home, and as I crossed the bridge my back pain was running the full length of my spine and legs and round into my hips. Then,on a complete impulse I decided to ignore my urge to get home as fast as possible, and instead of turning left into the main street home, I kept walking straight ahead until I reached the shore.
I keep an old fold up changing mat in my bag for such occasions, so I spread it out onto the bench, took my scarf off my neck and wrapped it around my head peasant style and just sat and enjoyed the view, and the air.
It really was quite beautiful this morning.
Maybe it was the distraction or maybe it was the little sit down on the bench, but my back pain eased off and it was possible for me to make it home to the cottage without each step causing excruciating pain.
When I got home, I headed straight for the kitchen and had a cup of tea and one of Duncan's home made croissants.
I have to go back and collect Oscar soon, but considering how the day started, I would say its shaping up not too badly under the circumstances.
Sunday's heartfelt tradition, a time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.
Throughout the week I have felt grateful for :
Throughout the week I have felt grateful for :
♥ Oscar making a best friend at nursery (so cute)
♥ Payday and grocery deliveries
♥ Knitting time and painting/drawing time
♥ Warm chestnut oil baths
♥ Duncan taking over the chores when my back pain was bad
♥ Organic white chocolate (Black & Greens)
♥ The central heating system (in an old stone cottage it is practically a life saver)
♥ Eucalyptus oil in the burner, and lemon, ginger and honey tea (because we are all still a bit ill)
♥ The kind hairdresser who cut Oscar's hair (helping to overcome the terror of the demon barber who cut it last)
♥ Toast and marmalade alone in bed on Saturday morning
♥ The train that takes 5 minutes to get to town negating travel sickness for our little guy
♥ Haggis and neeps on Burns Night RECIPE
♥ Oscar climbing into our bed in the night, hugging me and going right back to sleep
♥ Time for meditation, journal writing and reading
♥ My Mum's health continuing to improve
Joining in with Taryn for Gratitude Sunday
There was just enough of a sprinkling for sledging.
I feel obliged to add, that if you travel 1/2 a mile in-land there is snow in abundance. Like I said yesterday, it must be the sea air keeping it away from here.
Perhaps it is the sea air, but while the rest of the country has been steeped in snow, this little pocket by the seaside has been fairly lacking in the white stuff.
Oscar has a shiny new sledge (because his old one was left behind in the garage when we moved house), and he is desperate to use it.
Yesterday we had a light frosting of snow just as nursery let out, but much to Oscar's disappointment, it had all turned to brown mush by the time we got back to the cottage. The little blue sledge is still propped up against the wall in the hallway, waiting to be used.
Oscar has a shiny new sledge (because his old one was left behind in the garage when we moved house), and he is desperate to use it.
Yesterday we had a light frosting of snow just as nursery let out, but much to Oscar's disappointment, it had all turned to brown mush by the time we got back to the cottage. The little blue sledge is still propped up against the wall in the hallway, waiting to be used.
La Riche Directions Semi Permanent in Carnation Pink |
Luna Moth Lino Cut |
: : Running to nursery, running home
: : Hats and scarves and gloves and boots
: : Tomato soup
: : Rose hip tea
: : Blankets on the sofa
: : Painting pictures
: : Secret birthday knitting
: : Cosy socks
: : Learning new crafts
: : Scented candles
: : Chamomile baths
: : Cabbage and ham
: : Stories by Shirley Hughes
: : Lovers smiles
: : Mummies kisses
Not too shabby for my worst day of the week
The way bears all things;
Harmony nurtures them;
Nature shapes them;
Use completes them;
Each follows the way and honors harmony;
Not by law, but by being;
The way bears, nurtures, shapes, completes,
Shelter comforts and makes a home for them,
Bearing without possessing,
Nurturing without taming,
Shaping without force,
This is harmony
Tao Te Ching
Gratitude Sunday
Sundays heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitude's.
Throughout the week I have felt grateful for :
♥ The veg box, made up and waiting to be collected every Friday afternoon (for significantly less money than the old box scheme)
♥ A warm cosy and comfortable home
♥ Friends dropping by for tea and cake
♥ Oscar's ability to soldier on when he is miserable with the cold
♥ Duncan's kisses
♥ Home made bread
♥ The delight on Oscar's face as he watched the snow flurries
♥ Kind emails from friends near and far
♥ The warm relaxed feeling when Papa comes home in a snow storm on Friday night, no more work until Monday
♥ My mum finally being released from hospital after 3 months of acute illness
♥ Fuzzy dressing gowns
♥ Organic hot chocolate
♥ This new space
Joining in with TARYN
Being stuck in at this time of year is really difficult, and we are well and truly stuck in. All of us are still ill and although we don't feel like going out much, the lack of fresh air and natural light takes its toll eventually (after about 2 days).
Its not all bad though, some little happy things have caught my eye.
Matching yarn bracelets (made at Oscar's request)
A charity shop find, yet to be christened
Cinnamon scrolls, very yummy and Oscar eats the whole thing, not just the icing :)
A winter play-scape on the living room floor.
The cat wearing pearls, because presumably she didn't feel like wearing the diamonds today.
Its not all bad though, some little happy things have caught my eye.
Matching yarn bracelets (made at Oscar's request)
A charity shop find, yet to be christened
Cinnamon scrolls, very yummy and Oscar eats the whole thing, not just the icing :)
A winter play-scape on the living room floor.
The cat wearing pearls, because presumably she didn't feel like wearing the diamonds today.
Goodbye Ellie Rose
"I loved you from the moment I knew you were there,
and you will be loved until the day I die"
There is sickness in the house again, we never seem to move very far away from it these days, with one or all of us burdening under some sort of ailment.
Oscar and I spent most of the day on the sofa, with a good selection of Scooby Doo and Craft TV shows to keep us amused. What did occur to us from our static viewpoint is that the room looks quite dreary. Oscar said it was because there were no Christmas decorations left and I tend to agree with him, combined with the grey light filtering through the windows.
I remembered that we had a couple of Waldorf stars on the window in our old house, but for some reason they have disappeared and I dont think they made it to the cottage. Tissue paper folding isnt the most exciting thing to do, but it can be done on the sofa, involves very little energy and is calm and quiet. I cut and folded and Oscar glued and instructed on colours. Perfect.
There are hundreds of Waldorf star tutorials online and in print, but in case you were wondering, we used this very easy one.
We did not have the wax paper used in the tutorial so we used 10 inch x 10 inch tissue paper squares.
Poor Oscar fell asleep before the glue was dry enough to hang them, but it was a lovely surprise for him when he woke up.
Saturday was went and cold, but a promise is a promise, and we went off to the beach with a flask of hot chocolate and a bucket and spade.
There were not many sand-castles made, but we did collect some shells and one of us got very very wet. Its a good thing the beach is only 5 minutes from home.
Lately I have been feeling out to sea, and most definitely blue. A few days ago, I realised that it was my choice to stand in the midst of the storm and be battered around, and so I stepped away and into the arms of my husband and my children. I am better prepared to weather a brisk breeze should it come my way, but for the most part I will let the storm clouds pass over my head.
Have a wonderful week.
There were not many sand-castles made, but we did collect some shells and one of us got very very wet. Its a good thing the beach is only 5 minutes from home.
Lately I have been feeling out to sea, and most definitely blue. A few days ago, I realised that it was my choice to stand in the midst of the storm and be battered around, and so I stepped away and into the arms of my husband and my children. I am better prepared to weather a brisk breeze should it come my way, but for the most part I will let the storm clouds pass over my head.
Have a wonderful week.
Taking Part In The Simple Woman's Daybook - 11th January 2013

Outside my window...
The sky is grey and heavy with clouds, and the seagulls are calling overhead. The windows are open here despite the cold outside because I love a blast of fresh air to go through the cottage in the mornings. There are roadworks in our normally quiet little street and the noise is an irritation. Our little cottage is next to the railway tracks and what we normally hear is the sound of the trains rumbling by.
I am thinking...
I am trying very hard not to think right now, and concentrate on just being. I fell into the trap of giving others too much of my head space and so I am clearing it out in order to fill it up with my own wonderful things.
I am thankful...
I am thankful for MY life. I have caught a glimpse of the minds of others lately and I am so grateful that my own sensibilities do not naturally twist me that way. I used to have a song inside me, not a screech, I am finding my voice again.
In the kitchen...
In my kitchen I have (home made) carrot and ginger soup on the stove, with plenty of garlic, onion and ginger, natures own antibiotics. I have home made bread on the bread board made by my husbands hand. I have ground beef defrosting for a rare meat treat of home made burgers, a Friday night indulgence with chips and ketchup.
I am wearing...
I am wearing dark blue flared jeans and a black vest. These are my go to clothes for taking Oscar to and from nursery. Its all very boring, but comfortable, clean, and unremarkable. I am also wearing comfy old slippers, (leopard print on the outside with pink satin lining). Around my neck is a heavy sliver chain, once worn by my dearly missed father every day. From the chain hangs an ornate little cross, given to me by my husband.
I am creating...
I have 3 knitting projects in different places around the cottage, I hear from other knitters this is perfectly normal. I have started some sketches for a new art project *very excited*
I am going...
I am going to see my mother in her own home this weekend, she has been in hospital for 3 months. Again, *very excited*
I am wondering...
I am wondering how my husband is at work, because he has been ill for 3 days. I am wondering if my baby is enjoying nursery today. I am wondering when I will see my oldest child again. I am wondering when my daughter will start her social skills programme.
I am reading...
Farewell To The East End : The Last Days Of The East End Midwives by Jennifer Worth. I have enjoyed Jennifer Worth's books, but at the same time, some of them have been hard to read and it is heartbreaking to think that these are true accounts.
I am hoping...
I am hoping I can shake off this low level headache with some fresh air and a good dose of 3 year old humor.
I am looking forward to...
I am looking forward to my husband coming home tonight. The weekend can begin, and we can enjoy each others company, all of us together.
I am learning....
I am learning that I don't belong in an environment full of bitterness, envy and hatred, and extraction is the only way out.
Around the house...
The vintage clocks are ticking loudly, which is a sound I rather enjoy. My daughter is playing music in her room, and there is an Oscar shaped silence while my little one is at nursery.
I am pondering...
I am pondering whether I will make it back to my life drawing classes on Monday evenings. I want to go back, and I want to catch up with my lovely friend Laura. Sometimes I need to give myself a bit of a push to get things done.
A favorite quote for today...
"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship" - Louisa May Alcott
One of my favorite things...
My little son's unaffected laughter, not tempered by embarrasement or civility. Laugh loud wherever you go little one.
A few plans for the weekend:
I am planning a walk on the beach, collecting shells and driftwood as we go. I am planning a Saturday night dinner for 2. I am planning on some drawing time for me and some craft time together. I am planning on having a gentle heart and a warm phrase.
A peek into my day...
Joining in with The Simple Woman's Day Book - LINK UP HERE
Thank you to the lovely SARAH for pointing the way.
Yarn Along
Sometimes when I take Oscar to the yarn shop I try and point him towards something like this.
Unfortunately, being just 3 years old, he can set his heart on something (for new mittens) and no amount of persuading can talk him around. So we ended up with this.
Ah well, as long as he will wear them thats all that matters, because his little hands have been nippy in the mornings.
I am using THIS free vintage pattern, but omitting the clown (because I dont like it). It has to be one of the easiest mitten patterns ever, and I have almost finished the second mitt without having to check the pattern.
And on to the books :
There is a bit of a vegi theme going on here, right. I have only dipped into each of them a bit, but so far they all look ok. I bought the student cook book because some of the reviews said, low cost simple vegetarian dinners for everyone, not just students. I was a bit disappointed when the first 'recipe' was a hard boiled egg, with instructions on how to cook it (surely their parents have shown them how to boil an egg before they go off to university?). But it does get better, with some vegi dishes long since forgotten by myself. (remember corn chowder? I used to make that in the 1980's).
Here are the links if you are interested in checking them out further.
The Thrifty Forager: Living Off Your Local Landscape by Alyis Fowler
The Vegetarian Student Cookbook by Hamlyn Cookery
Patio Produce: How to Cultivate a Lot of Home-grown Vegetables from the Smallest Possible Space by Paul Peacock

Unfortunately, being just 3 years old, he can set his heart on something (for new mittens) and no amount of persuading can talk him around. So we ended up with this.
Ah well, as long as he will wear them thats all that matters, because his little hands have been nippy in the mornings.
I am using THIS free vintage pattern, but omitting the clown (because I dont like it). It has to be one of the easiest mitten patterns ever, and I have almost finished the second mitt without having to check the pattern.
And on to the books :
There is a bit of a vegi theme going on here, right. I have only dipped into each of them a bit, but so far they all look ok. I bought the student cook book because some of the reviews said, low cost simple vegetarian dinners for everyone, not just students. I was a bit disappointed when the first 'recipe' was a hard boiled egg, with instructions on how to cook it (surely their parents have shown them how to boil an egg before they go off to university?). But it does get better, with some vegi dishes long since forgotten by myself. (remember corn chowder? I used to make that in the 1980's).
Here are the links if you are interested in checking them out further.
The Thrifty Forager: Living Off Your Local Landscape by Alyis Fowler
The Vegetarian Student Cookbook by Hamlyn Cookery
Patio Produce: How to Cultivate a Lot of Home-grown Vegetables from the Smallest Possible Space by Paul Peacock
~The Flappy Beaky Things~
Have you noticed the influx of bird designs over the last couple of years? I certainly have, they seem to have popped up everywhere.
Did I ever mention that I can quite happily pick up a spider and let it run over my hand, with no fear what so ever? If that is giving you the shivers, now you know how I feel about the ........................
I am TERRIFIED of birds
~The Seaside In Winter~
After a week of flu like symptoms and a chest infection, not to mention too much food (and Bailey's Irish Cream), it was lovely to wander down to the beach with some friends and blow away the cobwebs. We expected the weather to be fairly bracing, but it was quite the contrary and we were pleasantly surprised by how mild it was.
Kite flying should almost be a mandatory post Christmas activity.
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