Its not that I don't enjoy playing with Oscar, I do. But any full time parent will tell you, its often the repetition that's the killer. I fully understand the development gained from this sort of play repetition and that's why I am reluctant to cut it short. But sometimes it really is hard work, despite the cuteness.
I have to admit I was pretty glad when the weekend arrived this week, because health wise its been a really tough one. I have felt physically drained, which is probably what to expect with a viral lung infection.
With Daddy home to take over and let me rest and observe and craft, its been an altogether less draining day.
The veg box arrived bright and early, which Oscar now looks forward to. He was pretty impressed by the size of the cabbage this week.
Duncan has now taken over the total bread production in the house, which suits us both well. Oscar still has to kiss the dough though.
This one he named a 'Love Loaf' Isn't he a romantic.
They spent some time outside this afternoon even though it was absolutely freezing. Oscar doesn't do well with cold and that combined with him not doing well with coats either means he runs inside demanding hot chocolate a lot.
While the boys were outside I started another little felt crown. I enjoyed making the Epiphany crown so much that I have decided to make one for Oscars 3rd birthday next month.
And lastly I wanted to comment on some drawing related things. Mine first. My friend Laura has taken up a sketch a day challenge and has persuaded me to join in. I am notoriously bad at keeping up with these sort of things so we shall see what happens. Anyway, here is the link to my A Sketch A Day page. There is a link to it at the top left of this page too.
And secondly, I wanted to show 2 types of drawing from Oscar. The first one he did today on his chalkboard. He told me in advance that he was drawing a monster and then he did.
A pretty good monster for a 2 nearly 3 year old I think.
But we have been getting another type of drawing. He draws something first then studies it to decipher what it is. The first time he did this was about 9 months ago when he drew a circle with a straight line off it, and then studied it, then looked all pleased with himself and said a balloon on a string. Last night when I was sketching he did a drawing and then named it a chicken.
I can definitely see a bird here, I am hoping its obvious?
I don't recall the older children doing this type of interpretive drawing (and if they did it wasn't at such a young age). I am loving it and if anyone else's 2/3 year old draws like this I would be interested to know. Sometimes we have quite complicated objects and sometimes quite simple. I will have to start separating his drawing out into folders so I can see his progress.
Anyway, time for me to get sketching again.
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