Week 2
lbs lost - 1lb
So not great. Its not been a good week all round really, health wise. I seem to be running a temp on and off and Oscar has been having cold symptoms again. He has also developed ulcers on his tongue which are making him cry every time he eats or drinks, hence the picture above. Sadly the ice-cream wasn't for me it was an attempt at tongue numbing. (we are seeing the Doc tomorrow)
We have had other things going on too which have been taking up our attention, for instance
If its still not clear, how about this?
I am not sure I will do much better next week because (Oscar's health permitting), Duncan and I are going on a date on Saturday night for the first time in 3 years. And it will include food and it will include chardonnay. Good luck to you all joining in, I hope you are doing better than me.
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