Its fair to say I am feeling pretty sorry for myself as this horrible snot laden week comes to an end. I was very excited to move into the new house last week and just when I started to see it taking shape and feeling more like mine, I was struck down with the lurgy. On top of that, Oscar was miserable with it first, and after me, Duncan and Aimee joined in. I am actually feeling a bit better and both nostrils have been having turns at being clear. I have managed to finish the pesky hat which was giving me so much knitting woes at the start of the week and since I have internet again, my supermarket shop arrived promptly at the doorstep yesterday (dont even ask me about Oscar V's Tesco last Saturday.....shudder).
Like a lot of people though, when I am feeling low, I like to throw in my other worries for good measure. The picture above is of the Saartje Booties I made for a friends baby back in March. When I made them, I wondered if I would be casting them on again for (us) some time soon. I still have no news to share. I am sliding towards 42 ( in December) and I am starting to think the next Saartje's for my family will be for my first grand-baby (although hopefully not for at least another 10 years since my eldest two are 22 and 20). We knew that having Oscar was almost a miracle due to health reasons (I was sterilized and then had a reversal, only have one functioning tube, was 38 and had some other low level health problems), but after almost one year passing since we thought we may like another little one to join the family, I am realising just how much of a miracle he really was, or should I say is. 99.9% of the time I can push the worries away and be truly thankful for the children I have. Sadly a tiny part of me will always be sorry if this is the end of my baby making story. How on earth do you reconcile with that if you feel you have the love to give for just 1 more?
Oh yes, and in true Scottish moaning fashion, guess what the weather was like when I finally decided to venture out after a week of entrapment?
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