Well, we are back to talking about the weather. We have had it all here in Scotland this week, sunshine (with warmth), rain and wind and rainbows and crisp mornings. I guess its that transitional time where we say goodbye to Summer and hello to Autumn. I can hardly believe it will be September on Monday, it feels like June, July and August just slipped away too fast this year.
People around the globe do get quite excited about the change to Autumn, but I have to say, I find it all a bit wet and cold and not that great.
Winter is one of my favourite times of year, with its blue skies, and frost and snow and glittery starry skies, and of course Christmas and my birthday in December. I can welcome Autumn as a stepping stone to Winter I guess, and the kids have a lot of fun in Autumn with leaves and chestnuts and pine cones, and brambles and pumpkins and bonfires, and I wouldn't deny them that.
Genesis 8:22
22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
P.S The Rainbow necklace was from HERE