
Yarn Along


Oscar decided he needed a new hat (for spring, it is Scotland after all).
I asked him what colour he wanted it to be (colour, single)
and he said, yellow, blue, and purple with a green pom-pom.
All very spring like, I am sure you will agree.


Well, I gave up on the bodice ripper I was reading a few weeks ago, because in the end, I decided it was too saucy for me.
I was in the mood for a good dose of fiction, but after the last book I wasn't sure what to read.
 I decided I couldn't go too far wrong with a book about the Amish. 
I was right, its fairly innocent in terms of hanky panky and the language is completely 
Sisters Of The Quilt is a 3 book collection and I was glad I didn't buy them
separately because I am already a bit in to book 2.
Amazon Link

The 2nd book is a non fiction book, and I am really loving it. 
You can find the author HERE on her blog.
This book has really helped me overcome some of my creative blocks,
and so far I have -
Started a sketchbook journal,
Identified what I need to do to allow myself to draw/paint/sketch
Arranged specific times for me to 'work' (starting from next week)
And set up a work space (in my bedroom).
These are massive achievements. I cant wait to get started.

Amazon Link

Joining in with GINNY and friends for Yarn Along



This Week In The Garden

We have two tiny little gardens at the front and back of the cottage. 
We have not managed to do much with either side the last two years we have been here.
 This year we are going to make more of an effort. 
We moved the babies rose bush (which is looking decidedly un-lifelike I hope it picks up), 
and all of our hanging ornaments to the front garden yesterday (on her birthday), 
and we planted some flower bulbs. 
I intend to go to Poundland and go crazy on seeds and containers and see if we cant get a petite little container garden going.
Oscar has started a container of his own :-) 

And no, your eyes do not deceive you,
Oscar is indeed wearing a Christmas jumper 
in April.




Charger Again

So, things have been very quiet here on the blog,
Due to my laptop charger being kapoot.
I am writing this on my little tablet,
Which is cute and all, but does not have my photo editing suite,
And also to be honest I feel its good for reading scriptures 
And the odd Facebook message but I struggle to
Actually work on it.
Ah well, let's hope the new charger arrives soon.
I hope you are having some lovely spring weather,
The sun is out here in Scotland and I am not taking it for granted.
Back soon