
No News Is Good News?

We still haven't heard about the cottage yet. Duncan spent all day yesterday obsessively checking his phone (emails), and eventually got an email at 9.30pm saying our bank and landlord references were good and they would be contacting Duncan's employer today. Poor Duncan, I expect he will spend another day checking his phone.
I had an up and down day yesterday. I started the day with a little bit of 1940/50's  hair styling.

A hairnet knitted by me, the night before, stylish eh?

I wasn't off anyplace special, just into town to do some shopping. 

Oscar was fairly tired and the two main places I had to go to were far apart and I knew he would never make it, so we took the buggy (again, which I am not entirely happy with).


The first shop didn't prove very fruitful, but I had better luck across town in the second shop.

Duncan and I don't have a wardrobe because this house has built in wardrobes, and even if we move to a place with built in wardrobe too (the cottage doesn't have any though), it wont go to waste.


2012-07-16 13.01.56

I have been after a sideboard for ages but I couldn't decide if I wanted a 1970's style or this bow front style. This was in such good condition I had to take it. I will take more photo's of the inside when it arrives tomorrow.
As predicted, Oscar was fast asleep by this point, so I made a refuel stop.

A friend sent a text asking if we wanted to meet up with her and her kids in the park, and I initially said yes, but when I go up on my feet again, I realised my back was in a bad way, so I decided to just head home. I actually had some nerve problems later in the day with pain following the typical sciatic path, and my big toe was stuck upwards. INFO

So we headed home for some peace and quiet. ......................

Can you guess what these pictures are?

Aimee, Oscar and I were in the lounge when suddenly we all heard an eek eek, and there was a little mouse half dead/stunned on the carpet with the cat purring and all but grinning beside it. Its under the bowl in the photo. Check the other cat in the top right of the pictures haha. Luckily Aimee managed to pick it up (in a rubber glove) and put it back outside. This makes the 4th one the cat has brought in (the rest were dead), and goodness knows how many left in the garden. We have lived in places where mice were living outside her whole life, I have no idea why at the age of 15 she has decided to become a mouser. Frankly though, I wish she would quit it. So much for relaxation. 

* while I am writing this, the cat is in the back garden tossing something into the air and watching it fall, grrrr*

PS if anyone wants to know how to knit a hairnet, let me know, its SO easy.



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