
St Valentines Day (catch up)

Well, for some reason I had it in my head that the 14th was Wednesday and Oscar's birthday was today Thursday, so when I realised on Monday that I was a day out and Valentines was actually the next day, I went into a panic. The only birthday thing not finished was Oscar's birthday cardigan (which only needs sewn up). We did not get as many Valentine crafts done as I had hoped, but the day was pleasant enough just the same.


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flowers on the season table, (moved to the dining table later)


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felt hearts and knitted flower mobile (mama made)


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Home made cards


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A candle holder for the table


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Cup-cakes (Oscar and Mama made), and cereal box corner gift bags (also Oscar and Mama made)


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love heart pie for dinner


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Pretty table with candles and flowers








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