
Family Day

Yesterday (Sunday) was my Mum's birthday and also the Family Christmas Service at church. Duncan is not a church go-er in any manner, however he very kindly agreed to accompany me to the family service. The primary reason being our uncertainty that Oscar would be suitably amused through a one and a half hour service. If Duncan was with me it meant two sets of arms to go between and also Daddy could pop outside for a respite with him and Mummy wouldn't miss the service.

As it turned out he was very much entertained for most of it, with only one toilet trip and one 5 minute breather during a long lull in the music. The church is what Duncan would affectionately call a 'happy clappy' church, which just so happens to appeal ever so much to little children (standing on a pew singing his heart out and dancing and jumping, whats not to like?).

Photo 1
Mummy and Oscar walking to church


Photo 2
A hot chocolate in the coffee shop before the service started


Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5
Oscar insisted Duncan took this photo, I guess he is used to blog photography now.

After church we walked into town to catch a bus to my Mum's house. It is quite a walk for little 2 year old legs, but luckily there are some pretty good walls along the way.

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We spent the afternoon with my Mum (and my brother and sister and niece and nephew), and Oscar had a marvelous time. That little boy is never happier than when he is in the midst of his family.

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Happy Birthday Mum


click to enlarge




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