
The Weekend Round-up

We have been having internet connection problems this weekend, in fact we still are, so I am not 100% convinced this post will go up, but I will try anyway. Apparently an engineer is 'dealing' with the problem (is that media engineer speak for sitting on their bot eating bacon sandwiches while reading the newspaper?).

On Saturday we decided to take Oscar to the organised (city council), firework display.  It was a miracle of miracles because when the sun set, the evening was clear, I cant tell you how many displays we have went to over the years in the pouring rain, or even sleet and snow).


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Oscar was really excited all the way there, and we kept telling him it was going to be very noisy, but pretty.


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Unfortunately, Oscar lasted a whole 5 minutes before he was crying in Duncan's arms begging to go home. So home we went. I had 2 sky lanterns tucked away in a cupboard so we made some hot chocolate and went into the garden and lit the lanterns.  This was much more to Oscar's liking, although I suspect he enjoyed running around the garden in the dark the best.


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In other news, Oscar and Daddy finally got the time (and the weather), to build our shed. The debate about painting it is still on. Oscar says red, blue and green, Mama says green with a red love heart on the door, and Daddy thinks we (and by we he means me), should paint it like the Mystery Machine, which coincidentally is 'red, blue and green'.


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Yesterday we had a complete change in the weather and I loved it. No wonder Oscar is a Goth-baby, when his Mama loves to look out at this.


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Not a badly taken picture, a proper mist/pea souper

Of course the boys had to go down to the shed with torches to investigate.


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And finally, I have been back to life drawing and really enjoyed it again, and in fact, after feeling guilty about slipping out one night a week, I now wish it was more than once a week.  Not to be left out though, Oscar has been making some artwork of his own, and we have began our winter crafting. Can you tell what it is yet?


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