I think perhaps I have a split/dual personality. One half of me is an absolute neat freak, a germ -a-phob, a woman who delights in an empty laundry basket, who intentionally inhales the scent of furniture polish, and who only really relaxes when the house is SPOTLESS. Unfortunately this is a very cerebral part of my personality and seems somehow to have by-passed the link to physical function.
Physical function, it would appear, is controlled by the woman who would rather drink some tea, or do some knitting, or check her emails/ read some blogs/ or put a cheeky bid on Ebay.
I have to tell you, it causes a clash of personality. For a long long time, I have only been motivated into doing a 'big' clean if furniture re-arranging is also on the cards. The furniture thing, I am not 100% sure about, I know my Mum was a bit of a furniture mover and my Grandma was a bit of a furniture mover, so I can only surmise that one bit plus another bit has combined to make me a compulsive furniture mover. Even last week when I was at deaths door (not really, but I felt pretty bad), I couldn't be tempted to clean the bath, or fold the laundry, but somehow or other managed to re-arrange the furniture in the lounge and the dining room, which incidentally involved dragging a sofa and a sideboard up the hall one way and dragging a dining table and bookcase up the hall in the other direction.
I think boredom is at the root of it, and I have somehow convinced myself, cleaning equals bad, moving all the furniture around and cleaning as I go equals not so bad.
And in true Split personality style, lets say no more about that and move on to something else, like,
On Monday evening after dinner, Oscar was in an extremely big grump (having been up earlier than is usual for him at 6:30am). He had cried at me that he was too hot, that his juice was too yucky, that he wanted to be a girl because boys are boring, and that he wanted the real VELMA from the Scooby Gang to come and visit him. I am not entirely sure what made me say it, but I suddenly found myself flicking from page to page on IMDB explaining what actors were and how only some TV and films were 'real'. Far from being crushed that what he held dear was only an illusion (that was a big risk I took there), Oscar was absolutely delighted with the idea and made me show everyone in the house photos of the cast of SCOOBY DOO MYSTERY BEGINS (a DVD we own), in costume and out of costume, in costume, out of costume . . . . . He now knows all of the actors names, and will tell you them as if they were old friends 'thats Kate', 'thats Nick'. When his Papa took him off to bed he was shouting over his shoulder, 'I have a great idea for dressing up tomorrow'.

Over the weather of course, seriously, it has been awful. If you are reading this from some other part of the country or world, can I just say, well, 'hiya' obviously, but also, you have no idea how cold, grey and wet it is here. If we have one blue day a fortnight it practically makes the front of the newspaper. The cold and the wet seem to seep into every aspect of your life, and I blame it in some part for the lack of movement as mentioned at the start of the post. We haven't been to the park, we haven't been to the beach and the most we have walked is the 15 minutes it takes to walk to nursery. Oscar often cries on the way to nursery (or on the way home), and frankly I don't blame him, because the down side of living so close to the sea is the wind whipping stingy rain in your face and trying to pull the clothes off your back, neck and head. We haven't even checked the back garden lately and I am not sure what we will find when we do, because as postage stamp sized as it is there is still a fair bit of garden toys/tables/chairs etc out there and who knows what state of disarray they may be in. Duncan had to take the wind chimes down which hung above Ellie's roses because we were afraid they would come hurtling through Oscar's bedroom window one night at 100 miles per hour.

And finally....
We are slowly recovering here. Duncan has a bad tooth which has become infected and cant be treated until he has completed a course of antibiotics, so he has a dental appointment to look forward to on Monday.
Oscar is mostly OK, although he felt quite hot to touch this morning. He has managed to go to nursery EVERY day for the last 2 weeks, which is practically a miracle. I have been asked 3 times if Oscar is new to nursery (in the last week or so), by other Mums, which I expect is down to his continual absenteeism when he first started. Nursery is on a long weekend break (off from Thursday to Tuesday), so hopefully that will give him a bit of time to shake off the last of the cold.
I am still pretty under the weather with a hacking cough and sore throat. I don't recall having had such a sore throat in years, or at least one that didn't improve in a day or 2. I keep promising myself I will go for a GP checkup, but due to the stupid phone on the day appointment system (which means you have to phone at 8:00am and battle your way through to get a same day appointment), I keep missing the phone-in slot and suddenly realise its 10:00am and I have missed it for another day. My poor Mama is back in hospital so it is really important I shake this thing off, because I cant visit her until it has gone.
Hopefully this long weekend will be a chance for us to stay home and recuperate and bounce back with zest in the new week. Our boy turns 4 next Friday and we cant be sick on his birthday week, we have presents to wrap, cakes to bake, balloons to blow and kisses and kisses to give.
I am trying out an 'updates' kind of blog post, because I have seen it on quite a few other blogs lately, and liked it. Tell me what you think? But please remember, I did say earlier that boredom is a factor for me, and it can all be re-arranged in the blink of on eye.