With just a sprinkling of mischief. That's how I am feeling about Oscar right now. Oscar turned 2 1/2 this month. 2 1/2 can you believe it? It seems like just a fleeting moment since I was holding him in my arms for the first time. As is often the way the first few months of his life went by in a blur, and then suddenly we were galloping full steam ahead. Here are some of the things I can tell you about Oscar at 2 1/2.
:~: His favorite book is The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson, but other favorites are Tom and Lucy Go to The Seaside and An Evening At Alfie's, both by Shirley Hughes.
:~: He can count to ten, but not past it and goes back to 3, (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,3,4,5,6).
:~:His favorite person outside the home is his big cousin L, she is aged 11 though.
:~: He has started trying to play the piano with this feet.
:~: If you ask him what he wants for dinner he always says sausages, chips and sauce, but he never really eats it
:~: His passion for witches has faded and been replaced by skulls and monksters (monsters).
:~: He is going through a mummy phase just now and wants to be with me always.
:~: He likes to replay an answering machine message from my mum over and over and has a wee chat to it.
:~: He is drawing some shapes now, squares (sometimes), circles, love-hearts and spirals (which he calls a vortex, like the bathwater down the plughole).
:~: His passion for climbing has not decreased in the slightest.
:~: He now wants to walk everywhere and hates the buggy, but cries to be carried after 10 minutes.
:~: His afternoon nap has almost petered out, but it makes for a very grumpy little guy at by about 4.30pm
:~: He tells me he loves me and hugs me with both arms and it is the personification of cuteness.
